Grall Institute Formations
Grall & associés gagne le trophée d'argent du droit pour la distribution
Thomas LAMY

Thomas Lamy

Partner, Avocat à la Cour

Lecturer in Competition Law, University of Paris II – Assas

Member of the steering committee of the association Antitrust Alliance, Postgraduate degree (D.E.A) in business law and economics law – University of Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne

Certificate of legal English – University of Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne
Member of the Paris Bar (since 1999)

Law firm Klein Goddard Associés (1999-2000)

Law firm Bignon & Lebray (2000-2001)

Law firm Grall & Associés (since September 2001)

Language : English

Thomas LAMY


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The lawyers at Grall & Associés
